#WhatsHotNow: West Hollywood Rising at RISE NATION

Rise Nation, Versaclimber, Gia On The Move, classes, reviews


Rise Nation, VersaClimber


by Tracey Paleo, Gia On The Move


Make no mistake. This is youth fitness culture at its prime.

In the landscape of competitive niche workout gyms on La Cienega Blvd with Soul Cycle across the street as well as Soma Studio and Train West Hollywood, the chic new frontrunner is  RISE NATION .

More an evolution with its exclusive VersaClimber classes, rather than feeling like the next new fad already on the verge of disappearing, RISE NATION created by Jason Walsh and which opened earlier this year in January 2015, brings workout culture to a new reality.


It doesn’t’ “try” to do too much.  Really, classes only do one thing. In fact, the climbing machines themselves don’t do anything at all.  YOU do all the work.

Yep. Sorry babes. But there will be no casual meditation in between steps, no opps to read or flirt on your iPhone, no apps to tell you what to do and no help from automated equipment. No. Not for this one.

Climbing is a full-time, full-body workout session. It takes focus. RISE NATION climbing classes deal in primitive movements and mechanics – think – how you learned to crawl, then walk, even swim. But the benefits are enormous. Sure, the ultimate bootie workout.  But gaining strength, stamina and overall energy in just 30 minutes while simultaneously stretching is the boost that even a once in while, barely committed student can enjoy. Seriously, I felt 10 years younger and happier just going through the motions.

nick, Rise Nation, VersaClimberThe music was bouncy and energetic without being exhausting, and Nick my instructor welcome me from the moment I walked through the door.

“I’ve got an amazing dance mix today for class.  You’re gonna love it!”

“I’m holding you to it Nick.”

(“Awesome” should be added to his name tag.  He delivered!)

It wasn’t easy.  For my first time on the machine, I paced myself and did surprisingly better than some other newbies.  But it wasn’t anxiety inducing hard either.  The blackout, no interruptions shades and nightclub style pulsating bright lights motivated me through the tough moments.

You can stop and start at will.  My feet got a little numb which is normal.  Takes a few classes for some peeps to deal with the foot stability. But the hefty line of post class new student signups  at the desk downstairs pretty much said, “Must come back!”

Other perks:  Shaded rooftop patio with seating and after workout bar serving fresh juices. Also towels are provided on all the machines.  I purchased a super soft, stylish T-shirt in the shop.  (No Nick did not give me the shirt off his back!  Although I think he would have had I asked. lol) There is also filtered alkaline H2O free to all.

Highly recommended.

Get more info on the website: http://rise-nation.com/

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One response to “#WhatsHotNow: West Hollywood Rising at RISE NATION”

  1. midgeguerrera Avatar

    What a clever name for the gym. I got energized just reading about it. Guess I need to get out of my beach chair…

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